Tuesday, September 6, 2011




Wednesday, August 31, 2011


  எனது அருமை "ANONYMOUS COMMENT " க்கு . கொஞ்சம் அலுவலில் ஆருவமாக  இருந்ததால் ப்ளாக் எழுத்தல. 


Thursday, July 28, 2011

nettil suttavai


வெள்ளம் அதிகமா வந்தா மீன்கள்... கரையில் இருக்கும் எறும்புகளை தின்னும்.. அதே வெள்ளம் வடிந்து தண்ணீர் வற்றினால் மீன்களை எறும்புகன் தின்னும்... சோ சான்ஸ் எல்லாருக்கும் இந்த உலகம் கொடுக்கின்றது.. உங்கள் சான்ஸ் வரும் வரை நீங்க வெயிட்டிங்ல இருக்க வேண்டும்....

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

welcome to 4th sem


DAA - ( நடந்தது என்ன )

என்னடா SEMESTER START ஆகா  போகுதே ஒன்னும் நட்டகலனு பாதேன்
நடத்திடாங்க யா !  நடத்திடாங்க !!


Friday, February 25, 2011

University Student Rocks


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Income Tax Problem?????



Scheme introduced by Central Government in 1968. The Scheme enables the members of the public to make contributions to the Fund and obtain Income Tax rebate under the relevant provisions of the Income Tax.


  • Individuals
  • Individuals on behalf of  a minor
  • Minimum / Maximum Investment ( w.e.f. 15-11-2002 )

    Minimum Rs.500/- per annum in multiples of Rs.5/-
    Maximum Rs.70,000/- per annum


  • 15 years
  • Can be extended for one or more blocks of 5 years
  • Account can be discontinued but repayment of subscriptions along with interest only after 15 years.

  • Rate of Interest

    8% per annum credited in account on 31st March every year calculated on the minimum balance between 5th day and end of the month.


    Loan upto 25% of balance at the end of first financial year from third to sixth year. Second loan can be taken on full payment of first loan.


    Only one withdrawal allowed during any one year from sixth year. Withdrawal limited to 50% of the balance at the credit at the end of 4th year preceding the year in which the amount is withdrawn or the end of the preceding year whichever is lower.

    The account extended beyond 15 years; partial withdrawal allowed up to 60% of the balance to the credit at the commencement of the extended period.

    Tax Benefits

  • Benefit available u/s 88 of the I.T. Act.
  • Interest totally exempt from Income Tax.
  • Amount standing to the credit is fully exempted from Wealth Tax.

  • Other Facilities
    • Subscription in one or more  maximum 12 instalments.
    • Nomination available in the name of one or more persons.
    • Nominee can not continue account of the deceased subscriber in his/ her own name.
    • An account may be transferred at the request of the subscriber free of charge by one branch of State Bank of India or its Associates to Head Post Office or vice versa.
    • Premature closure of a PPF account on grounds of genuine hardship could be considered only after the expiry of five years from the end of the year in which the account was  opened.
    • The subscriber may discontinue his account anytime after joining the fund.  The repayment of the subscription with interest will be made only after 15 years form the end of the financial year in which the account was opened.
    • Discontinued account can be revived on payment of Rs.50/- per year along with arrears of subscription of Rs.500/- per

    Friday, January 14, 2011

    Wednesday, January 12, 2011

    Wednesday, January 5, 2011


    • இன்னா செய்தாரை ஒறுத்தல் அவர் நாண நன்னயம் செய்து விடல் (திருக்குறள்)
    • Make a wrong doer feel shy, by doing him a favour. (Source: Thirukkural)
    • If others harm you, do good unto them, so that they are shamed into realizing their mistakes.

    UNIT- I
    1. What is an algorithm?
    2. What are computational procedures?
    3. What is a program?
    4. Define Algorithm Validation.
    5. Define program proving and program verification.
    6. Define pseudocode.
    7. What are the control structures in pseudocode?
    8. Define Recursion. Give an example.
    9. Define Time and space complexity.
    10. Distinguish performance analysis and performance measurement.
    11. What are the components of fixed and variable part in space complexity?
    12. Define program step.
    13. What are the methods to determine step count?
    14. Define input data size.
    15. Describe frequency table method.
    16. Define best, average and worst case step count.
    17. Define break-even point.
    18. Define asymptotic notation.
    19. Define Big Oh notation.
    20. Define Theta notation.
    21. Define Omega notation
    22. Define little Oh and Little Omega notation.
    23. What does O(1) mean?
    24. How do you time a very short event?
    25. What are the design techniques that are used to devise algorithms?
    26. Define recursion. What are its types?
    27. Write an algorithm to find if the given no is Armstrong no? Find its time complexity?
    28. Differentiate algorithm and program.
    29. Find the order of 20n3+100n2+2.

    PART B
    1. Explain Towers of Hanoi problem and solve it using recursion.
    2. Find the time complexity and space complexity of the following problems.
    1) Factorial using Recursion.
    2) Compute nth Fibonacci Number.
    3) Compute xn or exponentiate (x,n).
    4) mxn matrix multiplication
    5) nxn matrix multiplication
    6) mxn matrix addition.
    7) Sequential/linear search.
    3. Describe best, worst and average case analysis with an example.

    UNIT- II

    PART A

    1. What is divide and conquer technique?
    2. Give the control abstraction for divide and conquer technique.
    3. Write the recurrence relation for DandC.
    4. Timecomplexity of Binary search is O(logn). Justify.
    5. Write a straight forward max min algorithm.
    6. Explain the greedy method.
    7. Define feasible and optimal solution.
    8. Write the control abstraction for greedy method.
    9. What are the constraints of knapsack problem?
    10. What is a minimum cost spanning tree?
    11. Specify the algorithms used for constructing Minimum cost spanning tree.
    12. State single source shortest path algorithm (Dijkstra's algorithm).
    13. Calculate the T(n) for the given recurrence form
    T(n) = T(1) if n=1
    T(n) = aT(n/b)+f(n) if n>1
    where a=2,b=2, T(1)=2, f(n)=n;


    1. Explain the binary search algorithm with an example.
    2. Explain mimmax problem using Divide and conquer technique. Compute its time complexity.
    3. Explain merge sort with an example. Compute its time complexity.
    4. Explain Quick sort with an example. Give its time complexity.
    5. Solve the knapsack problem using greedy technique.
    6. Explain Prim's algorithm to construct Minimum cost spanning tree.
    7. Explain Kruskal's algorithm to construct Minimum cost spanning tree.
    8. Explain Optimal Randomized algorithm to construct Minimum cost spanning tree.
    9. Explain single source shortest path algorithm (Dijkstra's algorithm).


    PART – A
    1. Define Dynamic programming technique.
    2. Define Principle of optimality.
    3. What do you mean by Multistage graph.
    4. Differentiate the 2 approaches in finding the minimum cost path of multistage graph.
    5. Find the minimum cost path using forward and backward technique for the graph given below.
    6. Give the conditions to the table in 0/1 knapsack.
    7. 0/1 knapsack problem cannot be solved by Greedy technique.Why?
    8. Explain briefly about Traveling sales person problem.
    9. What are the 3 traversal technique for binary trees.
    10. What do you mean by traversal?
    11. Give the non recursive algorithm for Triple order traversal.
    12. Give the recursive algorithm for Triple order traversal.
    13. Define Breadth first search.
    14. Define Depth first search.
    15. What is breadth first spanning tree? Give and eg.
    16. Give the constraints to solve the Traveling sales person problem in dynamic programming.
    17. What is 0/1 knapsack problem.
    18. Define connected graph. Give an eg.
    19. Define Articulation point. Give the condition to identify an articulation point.
    20. Identify the articulation points and draw the biconnected components for the graph given below.
    PART – B
    1. Explain all pairs shortest path algorithm with an eg. Give its time complexity
    2. What is multistage graph? Explain with an eg. Write the pseudo code for the finding the minimum cost path using forward approach.
    3. What is multistage graph? Explain with an eg. Write the pseudo code for the finding the minimum cost path using backward approach.
    4. Write an algorithm for 0/1 knapsack problem.
    5. Write and explain an algorithm for BFS and DFS. Give an eg.
    6. Give an algorithm to identify articulation points and to construct biconnected components. Explain with an eg.

    UNIT- IV

    PART – A

    1. What are explicit constraints and implicit constraints?
    2. Explain 8-Queen problem in brief.
    3. What are static trees and dynamic trees?
    4. Give any 4 problems that could be solved by backtracking.
    5. What are the constraints of 8-Queens problem
    6. Define m-colorability optimization problem.
    7. What is a Hamiltonian cycle?
    8. What are the 2 methods of Branch and bound techniques?
    9. Compare and contrast LC-BB and FIFO BB.
    10. What is a reduced cost matrix?

    PART – B

    1. Explain N-Queens problem using Backtracking.
    2. Explain Graph Coloring.
    3. Explain sum of subsets.
    4. Explain Hamiltonian cycles.
    5. Solve Knapsack problem using backtracking.
    6. Explain Traveling Salesperson problem using branch and bound techniques.

    UNIT- V

    PART – A

    1. What is P and NP?
    2. What is deterministic algorithm?
    3. What is Non-Deterministic Algorithm?
    4. Draw the relationship between P, NP, NP complete and NP-hard.
    5. What is the property of NP-Complete problem?
    6. What is the property of NP-Hard problem?
    7. What are the two most famous unsolved problems in Computer science?

    PART – B

    1. Explain the basic concepts of P, NP, NP-Complete and NP-Hard.
    2. Prove a graph problem is NP-Hard.
    3. Explain a NP-Hard Scheduling problem.
    4. Explain a NP-Hard code generation problem.
    5. Explain the concepts of Approximation algorithm.