Thursday, August 2, 2012

Equivalence Class Partitioning

If a tester is viewing the software-under-test as a black box with welldefined
inputs and outputs, a good approach to selecting test inputs is to
use a method called equivalence class partitioning. Equivalence class partitioning
results in a partitioning of the input domain of the softwareunder-
test. The technique can also be used to partition the output domain,
but this is not a common usage. The finite number of partitions or equivalence
classes that result allow the tester to select a given member of an
equivalence class as a representative of that class. It is assumed that all
members of an equivalence class are processed in an equivalent way by
the target software.
Using equivalence class partitioning a test value in a particular class
is equivalent to a test value of any other member of that class. Therefore,
if one test case in a particular equivalence class reveals a defect, all the
other test cases based on that class would be expected to reveal the same
defect. We can also say that if a test case in a given equivalence class did
not detect a particular type of defect, then no other test case based on
that class would detect the defect (unless a subset of the equivalence class
falls into another equivalence class, since classes may overlap in some
cases). A more formal discussion of equivalence class partitioning is given
in Beizer [5].
Based on this discussion of equivalence class partitioning we can say
that the partitioning of the input domain for the software-under-test using
this technique has the following advantages:
1. It eliminates the need for exhaustive testing, which is not feasible.
2. It guides a tester in selecting a subset of test inputs with a high probability
of detecting a defect.
3. It allows a tester to cover a larger domain of inputs/outputs with a
smaller subset selected from an equivalence class.
Most equivalence class partitioning takes place for the input domain.
How does the tester identify equivalence classes for the input domain?
One approach is to use a set of what Glen Myers calls “interesting” input
conditions [1]. The input conditions usually come from a description in
the specification of the software to be tested. The tester uses the conditions
to partition the input domain into equivalence classes and then develops
a set of tests cases to cover (include) all the classes. Given that only the
information in an input/output specification is needed, the tester can begin
to develop black box tests for software early in the software life cycle in
parallel with analysis activities (see Principle 11, Chapter 2). The tester
and the analyst interact during the analysis phase to develop (i) a set of
testable requirements, and (ii) a correct and complete input/output specification.
From these the tester develops, (i) a high-level test plan, and
(ii) a preliminary set of black box test cases for the system. Both the plan
and the test cases undergo further development in subsequent life cycle
phases. The V-Model as described in Chapter 8 supports this approach.
There are several important points related to equivalence class partitioning
that should be made to complete this discussion.

1. The tester must consider both valid and invalid equivalence classes.
Invalid classes represent erroneous or unexpected inputs.
2. Equivalence classes may also be selected for output conditions.
3. The derivation of input or outputs equivalence classes is a heuristic
process. The conditions that are described in the following paragraphs
only give the tester guidelines for identifying the partitions.
There are no hard and fast rules. Given the same set of conditions,
individual testers may make different choices of equivalence classes.
As a tester gains experience he is more able to select equivalence
classes with confidence.
4. In some cases it is difficult for the tester to identify equivalence classes.
The conditions/boundaries that help to define classes may be absent,
or obscure, or there may seem to be a very large or very small number
of equivalence classes for the problem domain. These difficulties may
arise from an ambiguous, contradictory, incorrect, or incomplete
specification and/or requirements description. It is the duty of the
tester to seek out the analysts and meet with them to clarify these
documents. Additional contact with the user/client group may be required.
A tester should also realize that for some software problem
domains defining equivalence classes is inherently difficult, for example,
software that needs to utilize the tax code.
Myers suggests the following conditions as guidelines for selecting
input equivalence classes [1]. Note that a condition is usually associated
with a particular variable. We treat each condition separately. Test cases,
when developed, may cover multiple conditions and multiple variables.
List of Conditions
1. ‘‘If an input condition for the software-under-test is specified as a
range of values, select one valid equivalence class that covers the allowed
range and two invalid equivalence classes, one outside each
end of the range.’’
For example, suppose the specification for a module says that an
input, the length of a widget in millimeters, lies in the range 1–499;
then select one valid equivalence class that includes all values from 1
to 499. Select a second equivalence class that consists of all values
less than 1, and a third equivalence class that consists of all values
greater than 499.
2. ‘‘If an input condition for the software-under-test is specified as a
number of values, then select one valid equivalence class that includes
the allowed number of values and two invalid equivalence classes that
are outside each end of the allowed number.’’
For example, if the specification for a real estate-related module
say that a house can have one to four owners, then we select one valid
equivalence class that includes all the valid number of owners, and
then two invalid equivalence classes for less than one owner and more
than four owners.
3. ‘‘If an input condition for the software-under-test is specified as a set
of valid input values, then select one valid equivalence class that contains
all the members of the set and one invalid equivalence class for
any value outside the set.’’
For example, if the specification for a paint module states that
the colors RED, BLUE, GREEN and YELLOW are allowed as inputs,
then select one valid equivalence class that includes the set RED,
BLUE, GREEN and YELLOW, and one invalid equivalence class for
all other inputs.
4. ‘‘If an input condition for the software-under-test is specified as a
must be” condition, select one valid equivalence class to represent
the “must be” condition and one invalid class that does not include
the “must be” condition.’’
For example, if the specification for a module states that the first
character of a part identifier must be a letter, then select one valid
equivalence class where the first character is a letter, and one invalid
class where the first character is not a letter.
5. ‘‘If the input specification or any other information leads to the belief
that an element in an equivalence class is not handled in an identical
way by the software-under-test, then the class should be further partitioned
into smaller equivalence classes.’’
To show how equivalence classes can be derived from a specification,
consider an example in Figure 4.2. This is a specification for a module
that calculates a square root.
The specification describes for the tester conditions relevant to the

Function square_root
message (x:real)
when x >_0.0
reply (y:real)
where y >_0.0 & approximately (y*y,x)
otherwise reply exception imaginary_square_root
end function
FIG. 4.2
A specification of a square root
input/output variables x and y. The input conditions are that the variable
x must be a real number and be equal to or greater than 0.0. The conditions
for the output variable y are that it must be a real number equal
to or greater than 0.0, whose square is approximately equal to x. If x is
not equal to or greater than 0.0, then an exception is raised. From this
information the tester can easily generate both invalid and valid equivalence
classes and boundaries. For example, input equivalence classes for
this module are the following:
EC1. The input variable x is real, valid.
EC2. The input variable x is not real, invalid.
EC3. The value of x is greater than 0.0, valid.
EC4. The value of x is less than 0.0, invalid.
Because many organizations now use some type of formal or semiformal
specifications, testers have a reliable source for applying the input/output
conditions described by Myers.
After the equivalence classes have been identified in this way, the next
step in test case design is the development of the actual test cases. A good
approach includes the following steps.
1. Each equivalence class should be assigned a unique identifier. A simple
integer is sufficient.
2. Develop test cases for all valid equivalence classes until all have been
covered by (included in) a test case. A given test case may cover more
than one equivalence class.
3. Develop test cases for all invalid equivalence classes until all have
been covered individually. This is to insure that one invalid case does
not mask the effect of another or prevent the execution of another.
An example of applying equivalence class partitioning will be shown
in the next section.
4 . 6 Boundary Value Analysis
Equivalence class partitioning gives the tester a useful tool with which
to develop black box based-test cases for the software-under-test. The
method requires that a tester has access to a specification of input/output
behavior for the target software. The test cases developed based on equivalence
class partitioning can be strengthened by use of an another technique
called boundary value analysis. With experience, testers soon realize
that many defects occur directly on, and above and below, the edges
of equivalence classes. Test cases that consider these boundaries on both
the input and output spaces as shown in Figure 4.3 are often valuable in
revealing defects.
Whereas equivalence class partitioning directs the tester to select test
cases from any element of an equivalence class, boundary value analysis
requires that the tester select elements close to the edges, so that both the
upper and lower edges of an equivalence class are covered by test cases.
As in the case of equivalence class partitioning, the ability to develop highquality
test cases with the use of boundary values requires experience.
The rules-of-thumb described below are useful for getting started with
boundary value analysis.
1. If an input condition for the software-under-test is specified as a range
of values, develop valid test cases for the ends of the range, and invalid
test cases for possibilities just above and below the ends of the
For example if a specification states that an input value for a
module must lie in the range between _1.0 and _1.0, valid tests
that include values for ends of the range, as well as invalid test cases
for values just above and below the ends, should be included. This
would result in input values of _1.0, _1.1, and 1.0, 1.1.

Boundaries of an equivalence
2. If an input condition for the software-under-test is specified as a number
of values, develop valid test cases for the minimum and maximum
numbers as well as invalid test cases that include one lesser and one
greater than the maximum and minimum.
For example, for the real-estate module mentioned previously
that specified a house can have one to four owners, tests that include
0,1 owners and 4,5 owners would be developed.
The following is an example of applying boundary value analysis
to output equivalence classes. Suppose a table of 1 to 100 values is
to be produced by a module. The tester should select input data to
generate an output table of size 0,1, and 100 values, and if possible
101 values.
3. If the input or output of the software-under-test is an ordered set,
such as a table or a linear list, develop tests that focus on the first and
last elements of the set.
It is important for the tester to keep in mind that equivalence class
partitioning and boundary value analysis apply to testing both inputs and
outputs of the software-under-test, and, most importantly, conditions are
not combined for equivalence class partitioning or boundary value analysis.
Each condition is considered separately, and test cases are developed
to insure coverage of all the individual conditions

Defect Classes, the Defect Repository, and Test Design

Defects can be classified in many ways. It is important for an organization
to adapt a single classification scheme and apply it to all projects. No
matter which classification scheme is selected, some defects will fit into
more than one class or category. Because of this problem, developers,
testers, and SQA staff should try to be as consistent as possible when
recording defect data. The defect types and frequency of occurrence
should be used to guide test planning, and test design. Execution-based
testing strategies should be selected that have the strongest possibility of
detecting particular types of defects. It is important that tests for new and
modified software be designed to detect the most frequently occurring
defects. The reader should keep in mind that execution-based testing will
detect a large number of the defects that will be described; however, software
reviews as described in Chapter 10 are also an excellent testing tool
for detection of many of the defect types that will be discussed in the
following sections.
Defects, as described in this text, are assigned to four major classes
reflecting their point of origin in the software life cycle—the development
phase in which they were injected. These classes are: requirements/
specifications, design, code, and testing defects as summarized in Figure
3.2. It should be noted that these defect classes and associated subclasses
focus on defects that are the major focus of attention to execution-based
testers. The list does not include other defects types that are best found
in software reviews, for example, those defects related to conformance to
styles and standards. The review checklists in Chapter 10 focus on many
of these types of defects.

3 . 1 . 1 R e q u i r e m e n t s a n d S p e c i f i c a t i o n D e f e c t s
The beginning of the software life cycle is critical for ensuring high quality
in the software being developed. Defects injected in early phases can persist
and be very difficult to remove in later phases. Since many requirements
documents are written using a natural language representation,
there are very often occurrences of ambiguous, contradictory, unclear,
redundant, and imprecise requirements. Specifications in many organizations
are also developed using natural language representations, and
these too are subject to the same types of problems as mentioned above.
However, over the past several years many organizations have introduced
the use of formal specification languages that, when accompanied by
tools, help to prevent incorrect descriptions of system behavior. Some
specific requirements/specification defects are:

FIG. 3.2
Defect classes and the defect repository.
1 . Functional Description Defects
The overall description of what the product does, and how it should
behave (inputs/outputs), is incorrect, ambiguous, and/or incomplete.
2 . Feature Defects
Features may be described as distinguishing characteristics of a software component
or system.
Features refer to functional aspects of the software that map to functional
requirements as described by the users and clients. Features also map to
quality requirements such as performance and reliability. Feature defects
are due to feature descriptions that are missing, incorrect, incomplete, or
3 . Feature Interaction Defects
These are due to an incorrect description of how the features should interact.
For example, suppose one feature of a software system supports
adding a new customer to a customer database. This feature interacts with
another feature that categorizes the new customer. The classification feature
impacts on where the storage algorithm places the new customer in
the database, and also affects another feature that periodically supports
sending advertising information to customers in a specific category. When
testing we certainly want to focus on the interactions between these
4 . Interface Description Defects
These are defects that occur in the description of how the target software
is to interface with external software, hardware, and users.
For detecting many functional description defects, black box testing
techniques, which are based on functional specifications of the software,
offer the best approach. In Chapter 4 the reader will be introduced to
several black box testing techniques such as equivalence class partitioning,
boundary value analysis, state transition testing, and cause-and-effect
graphing, which are useful for detecting functional types of detects. Random
testing and error guessing are also useful for detecting these types of
defects. The reader should note that many of these types of defects can
be detected early in the life cycle by software reviews.
Black box–based tests can be planned at the unit, integration, system,
and acceptance levels to detect requirements/specification defects. Many
feature interaction and interfaces description defects are detected using
black box–based test designs at the integration and system levels.

3 . 1 . 2 D e s i g n D e f e c t s
Design defects occur when system components, interactions between system
components, interactions between the components and outside soft3.1
ware/hardware, or users are incorrectly designed. This covers defects in
the design of algorithms, control, logic, data elements, module interface
descriptions, and external software/hardware/user interface descriptions.
When describing these defects we assume that the detailed design description
for the software modules is at the pseudo code level with processing
steps, data structures, input/output parameters, and major control structures
defined. If module design is not described in such detail then many
of the defects types described here may be moved into the coding defects
1 . Algorithmic and Processing Defects
These occur when the processing steps in the algorithm as described by
the pseudo code are incorrect. For example, the pseudo code may contain
a calculation that is incorrectly specified, or the processing steps in the
algorithm written in the pseudo code language may not be in the correct
order. In the latter case a step may be missing or a step may be duplicated.
Another example of a defect in this subclass is the omission of error condition
checks such as division by zero. In the case of algorithm reuse, a
designer may have selected an inappropriate algorithm for this problem
(it may not work for all cases).
2 . Control, Logic, and Sequence Defects
Control defects occur when logic flow in the pseudo code is not correct.
For example, branching to soon, branching to late, or use of an incorrect
branching condition. Other examples in this subclass are unreachable
pseudo code elements, improper nesting, improper procedure or function
calls. Logic defects usually relate to incorrect use of logic operators, such
as less than (_), greater than (_), etc. These may be used incorrectly in
a Boolean expression controlling a branching instruction.
3 . Data Defects
These are associated with incorrect design of data structures. For example,
a record may be lacking a field, an incorrect type is assigned to a
variable or a field in a record, an array may not have the proper number
of elements assigned, or storage space may be allocated incorrectly. Soft48
| Defects, Hypotheses, and Tests
ware reviews and use of a data dictionary work well to reveal these types
of defects.
4 . Module Interface Description Defects
These are defects derived from, for example, using incorrect, and/or inconsistent
parameter types, an incorrect number of parameters, or an
incorrect ordering of parameters.
5 . Functional Description Defects
The defects in this category include incorrect, missing, and/or unclear
design elements. For example, the design may not properly describe the
correct functionality of a module. These defects are best detected during
a design review.
6 . External Interface Description Defects
These are derived from incorrect design descriptions for interfaces with
COTS components, external software systems, databases, and hardware
devices (e.g., I/O devices). Other examples are user interface description
defects where there are missing or improper commands, improper sequences
of commands, lack of proper messages, and/or lack of feedback
messages for the user.
3 . 1 . 3 C o d i n g D e f e c t s
Coding defects are derived from errors in implementing the code. Coding
defects classes are closely related to design defect classes especially if
pseudo code has been used for detailed design. Some coding defects come
from a failure to understand programming language constructs, and miscommunication
with the designers. Others may have transcription or
omission origins. At times it may be difficult to classify a defect as a design
or as a coding defect. It is best to make a choice and be consistent when
the same defect arises again.
1 . Algorithmic and Processing Defects
Adding levels of programming detail to design, code-related algorithmic
and processing defects would now include unchecked overflow and
3.1 Defect Classes, the Defect Reposi tory, and Test Design | 49
underflow conditions, comparing inappropriate data types, converting
one data type to another, incorrect ordering of arithmetic operators (perhaps
due to misunderstanding of the precedence of operators), misuse or
omission of parentheses, precision loss, and incorrect use of signs.
2 . Control, Logic and Sequence Defects
On the coding level these would include incorrect expression of case statements,
incorrect iteration of loops (loop boundary problems), and missing
3 . Typographical Defects
These are principally syntax errors, for example, incorrect spelling of a
variable name, that are usually detected by a compiler, self-reviews, or
peer reviews.
4 . I n i t i a l i z a t i o n Defects
These occur when initialization statements are omitted or are incorrect.
This may occur because of misunderstandings or lack of communication
between programmers, and/or programmers and designers, carelessness,
or misunderstanding of the programming environment.
5 . Data-Flow Defects
There are certain reasonable operational sequences that data should flow
through. For example, a variable should be initialized, before it is used
in a calculation or a condition. It should not be initialized twice before
there is an intermediate use. A variable should not be disregarded before
it is used. Occurrences of these suspicious variable uses in the code may,
or may not, cause anomalous behavior. Therefore, in the strictest sense
of the definition for the term “defect,” they may not be considered as true
instances of defects. However, their presence indicates an error has occurred
and a problem exists that needs to be addressed.
6 . Data Defects
These are indicated by incorrect implementation of data structures. For
example, the programmer may omit a field in a record, an incorrect type
or access is assigned to a file, an array may not be allocated the proper
number of elements. Other data defects include flags, indices, and constants
set incorrectly.
7 . Module Interface Defects
As in the case of module design elements, interface defects in the code
may be due to using incorrect or inconsistent parameter types, an incorrect
number of parameters, or improper ordering of the parameters. In
addition to defects due to improper design, and improper implementation
of design, programmers may implement an incorrect sequence of calls or
calls to nonexistent modules.
8 . Code Documentation Defects
When the code documentation does not reflect what the program actually
does, or is incomplete or ambiguous, this is called a code documentation
defect. Incomplete, unclear, incorrect, and out-of-date code documentation
affects testing efforts. Testers may be misled by documentation defects
and thus reuse improper tests or design new tests that are not appropriate
for the code. Code reviews are the best tools to detect these
types of defects.
9 . External Hardware, Software Interfaces Defects
These defects arise from problems related to system calls, links to databases,
input/output sequences, memory usage, resource usage, interrupts
and exception handling, data exchanges with hardware, protocols, formats,
interfaces with build files, and timing sequences (race conditions
may result).
Many initialization, data flow, control, and logic defects that occur
in design and code are best addressed by white box testing techniques
applied at the unit (single-module) level. For example, data flow testing
is useful for revealing data flow defects, branch testing is useful for detecting
control defects, and loop testing helps to reveal loop-related defects.
White box testing approaches are dependent on knowledge of the
internal structure of the software, in contrast to black box approaches,
which are only dependent on behavioral specifications. The reader will
be introduced to several white box–based techniques in Chapter 5. Many
design and coding defects are also detected by using black box testing
techniques. For example, application of decision tables is very useful for
detecting errors in Boolean expressions. Black box tests as described in
Chapter 4 applied at the integration and system levels help to reveal external
hardware and software interface defects. The author will stress
repeatedly throughout the text that a combination of both of these approaches
is needed to reveal the many types of defects that are likely to
be found in software.
3 . 1 . 4 T e s t i n g D e f e c t s
Defects are not confined to code and its related artifacts. Test plans, test
cases, test harnesses, and test procedures can also contain defects. Defects
in test plans are best detected using review techniques.
1 . Test Harness Defects
In order to test software, especially at the unit and integration levels,
auxiliary code must be developed. This is called the test harness or scaffolding
code. Chapter 6 has a more detailed discussion of the need for
this code. The test harness code should be carefully designed, implemented,
and tested since it a work product and much of this code can be
reused when new releases of the software are developed. Test harnesses
are subject to the same types of code and design defects that can be found
in all other types of software.
2 . Test Case Design and Test Procedure Defects
These would encompass incorrect, incomplete, missing, inappropriate test
cases, and test procedures. These defects are again best detected in test
plan reviews as described in Chapter 10. Sometimes the defects are revealed
during the testing process itself by means of a careful analysis of
test conditions and test results. Repairs will then have to be made.